Sports Injuries
Injures that occur in a contact sport such as, football or hockey are similar to those obtained in an auto accident. When the body is subjected to a forceful impact, the vertebrae and soft tissues are compromised. Injuries that occur to the arms and legs are often detected quickly and can be corrected. The damage done to the displacement of vertebrae in the neck or back may not be detected until much later.
Sports that require repetitive twisting bending or impact can also lead to damage. Activities such as golf, tennis, running or gymnastics can lead to injuries to the soft tissues around the spine such as muscle, ligaments, tendons and discs from repeated jarring causing wear and tear.
How Can Your Chiropractor Help?
Chiropractic can help restore proper spinal alignment with a series of spinal adjustment, soft tissue work, exercises, stretches and other modalities such as hot or cold compresses and traction. Chiropractors trained in sports injuries have specific treatment protocols for every individual athlete. These vary depending on the age and physical condition of the athlete as well as the particular sport they are participating in.
The reason why U.S. Olympic Teams, professional sports teams and professional athletes rely on regular chiropractic care is because it works! Chiropractic speeds recovery from injury, enhances performance and helps prevent future problems. The Rapid City Rush hockey team has trusted Black Hills Chiropractic as their official chiropractors since the birth of the franchise in 2007.